LIVALL shares top spring biking safety tips and best biking destinations for 2022

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Bring out the bike and set out to make memories with amazing spring biking trips.


As the last flake of snow starts to thaw, it’s time to bid farewell to snowboards and ski gear for the year, and the return of cyclists and bikes is a mainstay on the roads. The onset of spring sets prelude to warm biking trips amid cool breeze and fragrant blooms. And with spring just knocking at the door, the leading smart safety helmet brand LIVALL has shared its best tips for a safe and joyous spring ride and some of the best biking destinations for 2022.

“Whether it’s a group activity or a solo trip, some great destinations make biking that much more appealing. It may be only February; however, avid riders, families, and cycling groups have already started gearing up for trips. But, before getting to the destinations, it’s crucial to check out the routes and ways to stay on top of your safety because danger still happens unexpectedly,” stated Bryan Zheng, the Founder and CEO of LIVALL.

Tips for safe spring and summer biking:

Check the bike

LIVALL suggests a thorough check-up of the bike before the biker sets out on a trail or route. Your bike has been parked inside the garage for three months, so it’s smarter to get a thorough check-up of the cycle. Check the parts closely, such as frame, tires, nuts, brakes, etc. Take it to your good old repair shop if needed.”

Invest in smart helmet

Helmets help to prevent head and brain injury by 85% on average. And LIVALL’s Bluetooth-activated smart helmets protect the head and assure an overall safe biking trip through functionality just as fall detection.

“Bikers rave about our state-of-the-art EVO21 smart helmet. While other brands claim to offer 360-degree visibility, our EVO21 truly offers 360-degree visibility. It also comes with brake warning lights and turns signals to ensure easy visibility from any direction”, explained Bryan Zheng.

EVO21 is intelligently designed to allow 30 percent more ventilation, while its lightweight build makes way for a breezy and faster ride. Most importantly, the LIVALL helmet carries many advanced safety features like patented fall detection and SOS technology that helps send message alerts to biker’s emergency contact and GPS location in case of an accident. Bikers must also ensure that the helmet fits comfortably and adequately around your head.

Take cycle-friendly routes

It goes without saying that if the chosen biking destination has a cycle-friendly route, bikers must stick to that.

Be vigilant

As spring makes way for warmer and more comfortable weather, more vehicles and people will be on the road. So, bikers have to be more careful of the traffic this time- be mindful of the traffic rules and road signs and the land rules primarily for cyclists/bikers.

Stretch out

“Biking is a physically demanding exercise, and you might get hurt if you are not physically used to long and stiff riding. So, before you set out for a long ride, prep up your body with a regular stretching routine and short biking trips.”

Bryan Zheng jotted down a list of the best spring and summer biking destinations for 2022.

1. Hainan Island Grand Loop, China

2. Hangzhou, China

3. Edinburgh, Scotland

4. Tuscany, Italy

5. Tucson, Arizona

6. Ocala, Florida

7. Anniston, Alabama

“We hope our tips and suggestions will help you make the most of spring breaks with unforgettable biking trips.”


The world’s first smart and safe helmet, LIVALL is the pioneer and leader in smart helmets with advanced safe features. As the first smart helmet brand to provide initiative protection, LIVALL believes in continuous innovation, designs, and develops state-of-the-art smart helmets for commuters, cyclists, and outdoor enthusiasts alike.

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State: New York
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At LIVALL, we’re crafting more than helmets; we’re creating safety, style, and innovation for riders, cyclists, motorcyclists, and skiers. Our mission began with the vision to revolutionize protection, driven by a passionate team of engineers, designers, and safety experts.
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